
Human actions towards living more ecologically consistent


my 25 square

Updated: Jan-15-2021, 11:01 AM

Fellow Lifeforms,

i love how life changes as we journey along together!

My winter season lifestyle has changed a lot over the years. i used to heat my whole house to like 72 degrees because “that’s the way people did it in those days.” Flash-forward to 2014 and i find myself spending the lion-share of my winter awake hours in a 25 square foot “zone” near my living-room fireplace. i’m actually warmer most of the time and my heating bill (energy co$t) is so much lower!

This practice of ‘zone heating’ isn’t new, neither is the way i’m doing it, but it doesn’t get much cheaper (personal cash and Earth-wise).  Approximately 80% of my house heat comes from free, carbon-neutral (75 year cycle), suburban landscaping waste aka wood.

Early "Zone" Configuration

Early “Zone” Configuration

i’ve customized my 25 square quite a bit over the years to make it super comfortable and convenient.  It’s my favorite 25 square feet on Earth in the Winter months!

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