
Human actions towards living more ecologically consistent


my 25 square

Updated: Jan-15-2021, 11:01 AM

Fellow Lifeforms,

i love how life changes as we journey along together!

My winter season lifestyle has changed a lot over the years. i used to heat my whole house to like 72 degrees because “that’s the way people did it in those days.” Flash-forward to 2014 and i find myself spending the lion-share of my winter awake hours in a 25 square foot “zone” near my living-room fireplace. i’m actually warmer most of the time and my heating bill (energy co$t) is so much lower!

This practice of ‘zone heating’ isn’t new, neither is the way i’m doing it, but it doesn’t get much cheaper (personal cash and Earth-wise).  Approximately 80% of my house heat comes from free, carbon-neutral (75 year cycle), suburban landscaping waste aka wood.

Early "Zone" Configuration

Early “Zone” Configuration

i’ve customized my 25 square quite a bit over the years to make it super comfortable and convenient.  It’s my favorite 25 square feet on Earth in the Winter months!

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Too many options! Simplify or else…

Updated: Jan-15-2021, 11:01 AM

Who’d think most of we humans reading this blog post have too many options?

Which shampoo scent? The color of our smartphone covers? Who to text message next? What to eat at our next feeding? dot dot dot

Our poor brains haven’t adjusted enough to the rigors of our modern lives!! And we ask them to run at 5GHz (aka multi-tasking)?!

We all need some rest. Back off the throttle sometimes and just rest. We’re not perfect, don’t have to be and never will be. We will die with items on our todo list.

Isn’t it better to choose to simplify one’s life than be forced to by outside forces in our lives (eg, job changes, family situations, health issues)?

We can, should and need to take a deep breath or 3 this very moment.





Many years ago i was drawn to Voluntary Simplicity, which is basically a philosophy of living where one chooses the benefits of simplicity over the (strings-attached) attractions of complexity. There are so many examples in life where VS philosophy helps out. An early influence in my VS thinking was Duane Elgin. Before that it was the Tao.

If you’re at all drawn to VS… here’s a Google search to save you a few taps. And please feel free to contact me anytime.


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